Pedagogical Contents

Teaching Methods
At SMA Katolik Santo Fransiskus Assisi Samarinda, the teaching method being used is the Flipped-Differentiated Learning (FDL) approach.
FDL is an educational approach that integrates flipped learning with differentiated learning to create a comprehensive learning experience. It promotes more comfortable, customized, and meaningful learning, shaping a syntax of learning that encompasses both outside and inside classroom activities. The teacher initiates the learning process by conducting a diagnostic assessment to identify the specific needs of the students. They then provide differentiated materials to the students prior to class, allowing them to learn independently and explore additional resources to enhance their understanding. During class, the teacher guides the students based on their individual needs and encourages collaboration with their peers.
The conceptual framework is influenced by two pioneering pedagogical techniques: Flipped Learning and Differentiated Learning. These strategies have had a significant impact, particularly in the field of education worldwide. Nevertheless, researchers typically employ these strategies in isolation, with only a small number emphasizing integration. The passage below provides a concise explanation of Flipped Learning.
The notion of a flipped class involves reversing the standard approach, where activities often done in class are now completed at home, while tasks previously assigned as homework are now carried out during class time. The process of implementing flipped learning begins with the teacher creating a video tailored to meet the students' needs, which is then sent to the students prior to class. The students are allowed ample time to prepare, actively interact with the content, and explore other resources to enhance their comprehension. They also make a note of challenging sections of the subject to discuss later and seek clarification from their teachers and classmates during class. During class, the teacher facilitates students in investigating their understanding, seeking resolutions to their challenges, and working together with peers to grasp the subject matter. The highlighted values are autonomy, dynamism, activity, cooperation, and critical thinking (Bergmann & Sams, 2012).

​Learning Materials and Innovation
This new model approach (FDL) primarily offers more comfortable, customized, and meaningful learning. More comfortable learning means students can learn conveniently without any anxious conditions. Flipped learning can decrease anxiety as well; however, it is a general feeling since they have prepared the materials before coming to school with the same materials for all students. FDL offers more than that, as students learn differentiated materials that meet their needs from home. This approach allows students to come to school feeling free because they know what they are going to do at school, and it is suitable for their needs.
Customized learning means students will be treated differently based on their individual stages, rather than being pressured by a general standard. This can be seen in the parts of learning, namely designing, assisting, and assessing differently based on the students' needs. Personal achievement allows students to understand their level and needs, and the teacher, as a facilitator, guides them to maximize their abilities. Their achievements will be reflected in their progress in enhancing their capabilities. The students are allowed to study autonomously and responsibly, broadening their knowledge by searching for additional information from other resources. The center of learning is the students themselves, not the teachers, and they will be assessed in various and flexible ways depending on the teachers' diagnoses. The materials are designed based on their needs, and the teacher accompanies them differently. Meaningful learning permeates the entire process, demonstrating how students struggle with themselves from the initial learning to the reflection section, cultivating values of life. Their engagement with the differentiated materials at home, and subsequently in group discussions, fosters their activeness and collaboration, ultimately helping them to grow as individuals. They truly experience the process of learning in their own way; therefore, they can gain personal experiences and values relevant to their real lives.

Sources of Learning and Technology
1. Laptop and projector
2. Whiteboard
3. Students’ notebooks
4. Speaker
5. Printed handouts

​The teacher used assessments that integrate performance tasks using online editing tools like Canva to enhance student creativity and imagination while allowing them the freedom to create their own activities.